News and Announcements
Registration for
2024-25 admission is open for
Grades Pre KG To 9 & 11


Christmas Celebration

Christmas means “Feast of Christ”, is actually the birthday of Jesus Christ, it is annually celebrated in the month of December on the 25th day.

Christmas is a time to care, share and forgive. Soaking in the spirit of Christmas our tiny tots of SRMPS celebrated the festival with enthusiasm on December 24, 2019. The children came dressed in their party attire to celebrate the season with their friends.

Upper kindergarten children enacted the Nativity play explaining the importance of this festival that was followed by the rendition of Christmas songs and our tiny tots reverberated the air with the melody of Christmas carols that geared the festivity mood.

SRMPS became energised when Santa Claus made a grand entry and visited the students and had fun with them. The delight was uncontained especially as Santa started greeting the children. These activities taught our little ones the joy of celebrating all the festivals with loved ones.

Back in their respective classes, it was all decorated with balloons and colourful papers with beautiful door decoration bringing the festive spirit. Children were given colouring activity and also take away to help them learn through fun and celebration the very important message of peace,kindness, hope, love and joy that was shared with the children.


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