
The need for holistic learning is ever-growing and this we pride on the fact that the students of SRMPS are free to explore and choose their avenues of interest from the unique clubs that we offer. Our 11 clubs are specialized learning platforms that encompass the entire student and teacher body.

  • Astronomy
  • Think Tank and Quality Circle
  • Finger Craft
  • Mock UN
  • Literary
  • Journalism
  • School Band
  • MUN
  • Quiz
  • Eco
  • Photography
  • Theatre and Media (For Grades 6 to 8)
  • Movie Making
  • Yuva
  • Mass Media and Theatre  (For Grades 9 to 12)

Eco Club

In today’s fast changing world and rising global issues, this club gives scope for the students to become more responsible human beings who will contribute through various activities and projects towards sustainability which will be a great learning for life.


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Finger Craft

Greatness begins with a simple thought and this motto holds true for our Finger Craft Club, which is a space for artistic individuals who innovate and create. From sewing to wealth out of waste, students build on their creative skills.

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Theatre and Media Club

For tFor those who love to captivate their audience with their performance on stage, the Theatre Club is the place to be in! Tapping into the roots of multi-cultural theatrics, the Theatre Club at SRMPS nurtures aspiring entertainers. Students will also learn the nuances of working behind the
camera, scripting & editing to make creative videos & short films. It provides a learning opportunity for our students to step into the world of motion pictures and equips them with the skillset to be an influencer in the digital world of the future.

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Video Making Club

Our Video Making Club provides a learning opportunity for our students to step into the world of motion pictures and equips them with the skillset to be an influencer in the digital world of the future.

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Think Tank Club and Quality Circle (SDG)

The Think Tank Club is a portal to share ideas, thoughts and more. This club inspires the little thinkers of SRMPS to execute their ideas and have fun while doing so and make this world a better place to live in. Today’s learners are tomorrow’s contributors. Apart from identifying problem and working as a team, quality circle club will enhance the ability of students to work and think in an organized way and build on their patience and endurance to become better humans.

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School Band Club

The lovers of music and rhythm unite in the school band of SRMPS. The School Band harmonizes the festivals, celebrations and ceremonies with its harmonious music.

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Photography Club

To compliment the digital era we live in, our children at SRMPS are given the exclusive platform to experience the world through the lenses of a camera and capture memorable moments into the frame of their camera. They learn more about different kinds of cameras, how the camera works and the art of photography in the Photography Club.

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Quiz Club

A club for the knowledge seekers, who have an unquenchable curiosity to learn. This is a club for the inquisitive learners, those who are filled with a passion to expand their knowledge.

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Astronomy Club

The shining stars of SRMPS are not limited to the sky. They explore the beyond and much more in the Astronomy Club. From sky to space and the science behind the universe, this club makes them think and appreciate nature and its mystery

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MUN Club (Model United Nation)

MUN acts an educational simulation letting them represent countries, organization or an individual solve a problem through discussion, debate and research. This helps in building skills like team work, leadership, articulation and extempore. This opens the door for the global platform and perspective.

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